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Aspect Pattern Astrology: A New Holistic Horoscope Interpretation Method

Louise Huber, Michael Alexander Huber

The Key to Psychological Chart Interpretation!The pattern of the aspects in the birth chart reveals the structure of an individual's consciousness, the key to understanding their hidden, often unconscious, motivation. It provides a valuable tool, both for understanding your own psyche and for using astrology to help others.This approach to understanding of the psychology of the person through holistic interpretation of the horoscope was developed by Bruno, Louise and Michael Huber at the Astrological Psychology Institute (API) in Adliswil near Zurich, over many years of research, consultation and teaching work.Already a classic since it was first published in English in 2005, this new revised edition has colour illustrations, enabling full appreciation of the power of this approach, where the colours in the chart are of great significance.This book gives a systematic introduction to the practical use of this method, using many example horoscopes and diagrams. More than 45 distinct aspect figures are identified, each with a different meaning.Whether you are an astrological novice or an experienced astrologer, aspect patterns can provide immediate significant revelations about yourself and other people.This book is a basic reference work on astrological psychology - every serious student should have one!

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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:14 AM GMT