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The Goetia of Dr. Rudd (Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic)

Dr Stephen Skinner

The Goetia is the most famous grimoire after the Key of Solomon. The owner of this handbook of sorcery was Dr. Thomas Rudd, the most important scholar-magician of the early seventeenth century, and a magical successor to Dr. John Dee.

The Goetia of Dr. Rudd explains how the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are used to evoke and safely bind demons―material that has not been made available in any previous edition. This rare volume contains a transcription of a hitherto unpublished manuscript of the Lemegeton and includes illustrations drawn from rare manuscripts held in the British Library.

Religion & Spirituality
New Age & Spirituality


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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:36 AM GMT