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The Luminaries: The Psychology of the Sun and Moon in the Horoscope (Seminars in Psychological Astrology)

Liz Greene

The Sun and Moon symbolise two very basic but different psychological processes that operate in every human being. The lunar light lures us toward fusion with the mother and the safety of the uroboric container. It also teachers us how to relate, to feel compassion, to care for ourselves. The solar light leads us on the hero's journey into anxiety, danger, and loneliness, and it instructs us in our own divinity. In this exciting new volume in the Seminars in Psychological Astrology series, Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas team up to discuss the mythology and psychology of the Moon, the importance of relationships, the role of the father in individual development, how the mother affects the individual, and how we blend the energy of the Sun and Moon as we develop during a lifetime.

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