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Practical Pendulum Book: With Instructions for Use and 38 Pendulum Charts

D. Jurriaanse

Includes 38 pendulum charts specially prepared for this book with complete instructions on how to use them.The use of pendulums as divining tools is centuries old. Like other dowsing systems, they are driven by the energy fields around them, yet one need not be an expert in energy work to take advantage their powers. And, by following a few basic instructions, anyone can immediately use a pendulum to answer their questions, identify problem areas in physical health, see where their energy is blocked, and what might come next in life.When we know how to use a pendulum, we can discover a wealth of information and steer a course to our future life. By using the 38 pendulum charts provided, alongside the complete and concise instructions, readers will learn how to seek answers to question such as:Are we soul mates?What kind of job is best of me?What's preventing me from fulfilling my dreams?What color do I respond to best?What lies in my future?Which herbal remedies should I use?What factors are affecting my health? 

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