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Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels

Richard Heath

Reveals how the number science found in ancient sacred monuments reflects wisdom transmitted from the angelic orders

• Explains how the angels transmitted megalithic science to early humans to further our conscious development

• Decodes the angelic science hidden in a wide range of monuments, including Carnac in Brittany, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, early Christian pavements, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Stonehenge in England, and the Kaaba in Mecca

• Explores how the number science behind ancient monuments gave rise to religions and spiritual practices

The angelic mind is founded on a deep understanding of number and the patterns they produce. These patterns provided a constructive framework for all manifested life on Earth. The beauty and elegance we see in sacred geometry and in structures built according to those proportions are the language of the angels still speaking to us.

Examining the angelic science of number first manifested on Earth in the Stone Age, Richard Heath reveals how the resulting development of human consciousness was no accident: just as the angels helped create the Earth’s environment, humans were then evolved to make the planet self-aware. To develop human minds, the angels transmitted their own wisdom to humanity through a numerical astronomy that counted planetary and lunar time periods. Heath explores how this early humanity developed an expert understanding of sacred number through astronomical geometries, leading to the unified range of measures employed in their observatories and later in cosmological monuments such as the Giza Pyramids and Stonehenge. The ancient Near East transformed megalithic science into our own mathematics of notational arithmetic and trigonometry, further developing the human mind within the early civilizations.

Heath decodes the angelic science hidden within a wide range of monuments and sites, including Carnac in Brittany, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, Teotihuacan in Mexico, early Christian pavements, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, and the Kaaba in Mecca. Exploring the techniques used to design these monuments, he explains how the number science behind them gave rise to ancient religions and spiritual practices. He also explores the importance of lunar astronomy, first in defining a world suitable for life and then in providing a subject accessible to pre-arithmetic humans, for whom the Moon was a constant companion.

Religion & Spirituality
New Age & Spirituality


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