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Sacred Geometry: A Guide To Sacred Symbols Throughout History

Etham Myers

A Whole New Understanding of The World

Prepare to be amazed, informed, and fascinated by the sacred geometries that govern the universe and their mystical meanings...

Sacred geometric patterns are all around us - they are the perfect shapes that form the fundamental patterns for life in the universe. It is impossible to fully understand our existence by ignoring the patterns and shapes by which it is governed.

If you have ever observed a shell, the veins of a leaf, or the feathers of a peacock, you will indeed be fascinated by their perfect harmony. Such elements always leave a profound question in the mind of the aware human...

How is such breathtaking beauty governed by perfect geometry made possible? does it reflect or speak to the language of the soul? - Whatever the reason behind the prevalence of these patterns, one thing is clear: symbols have power.

In this best-selling book, you will be led on a journey to connect your body and spirit with the sacred language of the universe. By stepping back into the past, you'll discover the ancestors who identified these recurring patterns and how the iconography of ancient religions drew from them...

You will be amazed to observe the remarkable number of coincidences between cultures that never met among themselves.

Here is the goldmine of information you will find page by page:

+ A Comprehensive Introduction: what exactly are yantras, what are the meanings, and the powerful energies they hold

+ The Unexpected Benefits: how to make use of sacred geometry for your spiritual path and the key benefits you will reap

+ Fundamentals: Understand the mathematical laws that govern the universe and get ready to gain a renewed awareness of your surroundings

+ Main Elements: Learn about sacred figures, what they originated from, and the deep meanings you need to know for understanding your nature

+ References to Religions: you are amazed at how sacred geometry makes up the roots of your belief and the real reasons behind it

Are you ready to understand the sacred foundation of nature? - Grab your copy now and start your journey.

Religion & Spirituality


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One Record. Last Queried Mar 9, 2025 12:25 AM GMT