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Solar Arcs: Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System

Noel Tyl

In this indispensable astrology book, Noel Tyl presents the definitive study of astrology's most accurate prediction system. The first major presentation of Solar Arc theory and practice in the English language, this book offers the entire application spectrum of Solar Arcs, dramatized in numerous case studies. Tyl explains the theory behind Solar Arcs from their inception in ancient times to their present-day articulation in rich, psychodynamic natal analyses. He also focuses on their quintessential importance to modern rectification methodology, the divining of unknown birth times. Finally, he shows you how to maximize computer software support to produce definitive results. Learn the developmental history of the Solar Arc method Identify important development times in anyone's life, at a glance Explore the timing power of Tertiary Progressions Follow step-by-step rectification methods Use the 100-year Quick Glance Ephemeris Acquire knowledge of 1,130 possible Natal and Solar Arc Midpoint pictures Solar Arcs reveals the immense power of today's fastest growing astrological method. Written for the advancing student and the professional astrologer, Noel Tyl's work will transform the way you practice astrology.

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