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Welcome to the Future: An Alien Abduction, A Galactic War and the Birth of a New Era

Megan Rose

This is the story of Megan Rose who was abducted twice by malevolent extra-terrestrials and rescued by benevolent Nordic aliens. She kept in touch with her rescuer and has brought in this book, the story of a galactic war on planet earth, as explained by her Nordic friends from the stars. The people of earth have falsely been led to believe that aliens don’t exist. The knowledge of extra-terrestrial life in this solar system is imperative to the understanding of earth’s past, present and future. Through the awakening of humanity to the existence of extra-terrestrial life, a new era is birthed for all inhabitants of the planet and this galaxy. Welcome to the Future.

Religion & Spirituality
Occult & Paranormal


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One Record. Last Queried Dec 3, 2024 12:26 AM GMT