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Yesterday's Sky: Astrology and Reincarnation

Steven Forrest

Behind your familiar astrological chart lurks another chart entirely, one whose existence you may never have suspected. It carries your treasures and your wounds. Where the astrologer s predictions and the realities of your life might not in all honesty have lined up, this chart-behind-the-chart will help you see why. This second, hidden chart tells the tale of who you were in a prior lifetime. It speaks of what wounded you then and what work you left undone. It warns of old ghosts that haunt you and the symptoms you experience when you let them grab the steering wheel of your life. This chart explains the reasons you have the chart you have today and it clarifies how you can get on with your evolutionary journey. In Yesterday s Sky, Steven Forrest completes the picture he began painting in his bestseller The Inner Sky twenty-five years ago.

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One Record. Last Queried Mar 10, 2025 12:32 AM GMT