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The Astrotheological Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries, Judaism and Christianity

S Grey

Despite its unfortunate contemporary associations with crystal balls, tarot cards and newspaper horoscopes, there is nothing inherently magical or superstitious about the zodiac. It is merely a belt of constellations which straddle the ecliptic. Since the dawn of time man has used these constellations and the celestial bodies to map both time and geography, and the stories attached to these movements began to take on mythologies across the world. The Greek gods, Hercules, Apollo and Dionysus are all examples of these solar entities. This book explores the astrotheological origins of the Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern faiths; Mithraism, Judaism and Christianity. It aims to show how these sisterfaiths all sought salvation through the celestial bodies, and adopted the astral stories of their ancestors as the fundamental basis of their religion.



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