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Egyptian Numerology: Emergence into the Fifth Dimension

Sara Bachmeier

Egyptian Numerology works with a persons highest qualities and potential. Most people are satisfied with the traditional numerology which uses the frequencies of numbers to dissect the good and bad aspects of their character. I refer to this as the mind reading technique because for some reason people like to be told what they already know about themselves and what can be revealed by just looking into the mirror and being completely honest with oneself. The paradigm for numbers has shifted over the past few decades and it is vital that we acknowledge this change and accept the knowledge available to us during these radical times of change. Egyptian Numerology takes your reflection and enhances the view by using your number frequencies and taking it into the fifth dimension to show you what is possible to achieve in this lifetime. The fifth dimension has been described as the plane of love and of living totally from the heart. It will give you the opportunity to discover areas of your life that have the greatest potential and what they are meant to look like in an elevated frequency rating. It is compatible to giving you a new prescription for lenses in order to see yourself clearly. If you are already using your highest frequencies, than this type of charting can be used as a geographical confirmation that you are on the right track or it can be used as a reference point to what is possible to achieve in a perspective not always revealing. It will give you a description of what your life looks like when you are living through your heart chakra.

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One Record. Last Queried Mar 10, 2025 12:38 AM GMT