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Kabbalistic Astrology: And the Meaning of Our Lives

Rav P. S. Berg

Ancient Kabbalistic mysticism and the search for meaning by looking to the stars are related in ways that may surprise readers. Kabbalah, in fact, offers arguably the oldest and wisest application of astronomy and astrology known to humankind. Kabbalistic Astrology is a tool for understanding one's individual nature at its deepest level and putting that knowledge to immediate use in the real world. A natural addition to Berg’s many writings on spirituality, the book explains why destiny is not the same as predestination and shows that we have many possible futures and can become masters of our fate. Written in Berg’s trademark clear, intelligible style, the book teaches how to discover challenges faced in previous incarnations and how to overcome them, as well as the secrets to finding the love, success, and spiritual fulfillment.

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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:22 AM GMT