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Mysteries of Knowledge Beyond Our Senses: Dialogues with Courageous Scientists (1) (Mysteries Trilogy)

Gayle Kimball Ph.D., Susan Blackmore Ph.D., Larry Burk Ph.D, James Hurtak Ph.D., Desiree Hurtak Ph.D., David Luke Ph.D., Henry Reed Ph.D., Peter Fenwick M.D., Brian Les Lancaster Ph.D., David Lorimer M.A., Robert Mays, Penny Sartori Ph.D., Peter Russell Ph.D., Julie Beischel Ph.D., James Carpenter Ph.D., Dale Graff M.S., Diane Hennacy Powell M.D., Serena Roney-Dougal Ph.D., H. Smith, Mary Rose Barrington, Jon Klimo Ph.D., Jeffrey Mishlove Ph.D., Helané Wahbeh N.D., Suzanne Mays

The Mysteries of Knowledge Beyond the Senses: Dialogues with Courageous Scientistsreports on the current research and personal characteristics of 22 visionaries from the US and the UK. They reveal information about learning from other dimensions, altered states of consciousness, extrasensory perception, dreams, near-death experiences, remote viewing, parapsychology, etc. Vanguard scientists believe there is more than what we see and are formulating a non-materialist paradigm that expands human potential, including mind and matter interaction. Going against the dominant worldview evokes ridicule, as in "Why study flying pigs?" The book explores the personal backgrounds of the scientists to find out why they are so courageous.We learn that there are other dimensions that allow for enhanced abilities, based on extensive interviews by Gayle Kimball, the award-winning author of 20 books who does clairvoyant work. The trilogy includes books about the mysteries of reality and healing.

Religion & Spirituality
New Age & Spirituality


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