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Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self

Alan Oken

Soul-Centered Astrology is a groundbreaking sourcebook. Influenced by Theosophical philosophy, Alice Bailey, and the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, Alan Oken describes the evolutionary process of spiritual self-development with the twelve astrological signs and their soulcentered planetary rulers and the esoteric significance of the planets in the signs. The book features an elevation of the spiritual importance of the ascendant, the incarnational relevance of cardinal, fixed, and mutable crosses, and the correlation between astrology and the Seven Rays. Revealing the soul's path to inner enlightenment and outer fulfillment, it offers a complete course for the serious student of the stars that encompasses and goes beyond birth signs and natal charts. Geared to the student traversing a spiritual path, Alan Oken teaches the secrets of Esoteric Astrology that have been a focus of study for mystics and initiates throughout the ages.

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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:40 AM GMT