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Yogis Destiny and the Wheel of Time (Hindu Astrology Series)

K.N. Rao

Read the book and the evidences in it. Even if you do not know astrology, you will understand the true stories with evidences. If you know astrology, you will add to your own techniques of predictions. We live in an age in which we find that physical sciences and astronomy have been anthropomorphised into a God for modern man, Arrogant display of discoveries of physical sciences have blocked the formation of a wholesome holistic attitude to God and His universe. Only the super-science of astrology. Astrologers must however acknowledge that their own knowledge of astrology does not entitle them to know the whole truth. And it convinces the astrologer- that there is Destiny; there is cycle of births and rebirths; there is karma and karma-phala (results of karmas) and karma-samskaras-the psychophysical-spiritual tendencies generated by karmas of may lives. That there is a Wheel of Time which grinds inscrutably, mysteriously, well known only to astrologers. The book will help regain your shattered sanity of mind which blind belief in physical sciences and astronomy may have destroyed. But then do not turn an astrologer into an all - knowing demi-God.


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