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The Art of Magick: The Mystery of Deep Magick & Divine Rituals (The Sacred Mystery Book 3)

Gabriyell Sarom

The Step-by-step practical guide to Magick and Divine RitualsFor thousands of years, mankind has been practicing magick under different denominations, traditions, and systems. However, in today’s world, magick seems to have been left behind, collecting dirt, buried in the dark corners of human history. This is no surprise. Fear, dogma, and disreputable arcane teachings appear to have assaulted it. But this is not authentic magick.Real magick is a beautiful system that stood untouched throughout the ages. It is a mystifying expedition into the exotic realms of the unknown, manifesting profound change within and without. Now, it’s time to illuminate it anew, leaving all of these lightless tenets behind once and for all.The magick presented in this book is vehemently pragmatic, unique, and innovative. It is not the customary approach of regurgitating magickal traditionalism. Don’t expect to find that same approach and teachings here. This work doesn’t tackle superficial magick, but magick for profound self-transformation and self-transcendence. The magickal practices and rituals are divided into primary and secondary phases which include, but are not limited to:Designing Magick RitualsHigher States of Consciousness and Magickal TrancesMagickal Seals & SymbologyEnergy, Force, and ManifestationMagickal Purification, Healing, and ProtectionUsing Magick to Transcend the SelfMagick of the Subconscious MindSacred Elemental EnergyVoyage Into the Depths of AkashaFire-Born EmptinessDivine SignsBlack Magick vs. White MagickMagickal God-ForceManifestation of God-Consciousness Magick Deep MagickWe sincerely hope the reader enjoys this work and that it may serve as an impetus of inspiration that reveals the timeless art of magick.

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