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The Physics of Consciousness: In the Quantum Field, Minerals, Plants, Animals and Human Souls (Existence - Consciousness - Bliss)

The true nature of consciousness is an issue of primary importance today. A great many deceptions exist today that create conflicts among humans and with nature itself. In the modern world, a real possibility exists that such a conflict could threaten the existence of humankind.It is logical to assume that every conflict is based on fundamental misunderstanding or lack of awareness of the true nature of existence. This is predicated on the notion that the consciousness and existence are the same thing. All misinterpretations and conflicts are rooted in differentiating consciousness from existence, i.e. separating what goes on in our head from what goes on in the outer world and dividing our thoughts from our words and deeds.The aim of this book is to confirm the nature of external existence as an indivisible part of our consciousness and essence. A logical framework of such a depiction of reality rests on the assumption that the consciousness which is in our mind is an integrated part of the same consciousness that creates the overall existence.Unlike what is thought traditionally, there is no multitude of consciousnesses; the consciousness is only one and the same in everything, it merely divides and utilizes itself in all of the aspects of existence. Consciousness and existence are one and the same, and together they comprise our essence, or the soul.The true nature of consciousness and existence cannot be separated from the true nature of our essence or the soul. In other words, we cannot live in the world in one way, be aware in another, and relate to our essence in some completely different way. The consciousness of our soul is inseparable from the world we live in. Our existence remains inauthentic, painful, and heartless, insofar as we keep ourselves apart from the consciousness of our soul; from consciousness itself; and from existence, as such.However, a simple statement that the consciousness and existence are the same is not enough. To make their unity crystal clear, the functioning of the consciousness is presented here in detail in different dimensions of nature and through various forms, from the quantum field, minerals, plants, and animals to human beings and the development of culture, the issue of artificial intelligence, ethics, and, ultimately, the discipline of self-knowledge.The unity of the divine consciousness that creates everything with our thoughts and actions is demonstrated and proved quite practically here. This is the only way in which a book that aspires to explain the world may have practial value.



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