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Alchemy: Unlocking Secrets of an Ancient Mystical Science

Mari Silva

A beginner’s guide to understanding alchemy and uncovering the secrets within!

Have you heard about alchemy and want to know more about this ancient mystical science?

Do you want to practice alchemy at home, but don’t know where to start?

Do you already dabble in alchemy and want to brush up on your skills?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Alchemy: Unlocking Secrets of an Ancient Mystical Science is the book you have been looking for. This book will answer all the questions you may have about alchemy in easy to understand language.

In this book, you will:

+ Learn what alchemy is and the principles that govern it

+ Investigate the basics of modern alchemy and its focus on self-transformation

+ Discover the four alchemical elements, their symbols, and the roles they play

+ Explore the seven alchemical metals and their corresponding planets

+ Understand the mundane elements, their symbols, and the roles they play in alchemy

+ Reveal the twelve alchemical operations and how you can execute each one

+ See examples of herbal alchemy and the plants and herbs known to contain specific planetary metals

+ Learn about the spagyric process and its relationship with herbal or plant alchemy

+ Find detailed and easy herbal alchemy recipes

+ Master the art of how to transform yourself into a modern and effective alchemist

+ Learn how to be a powerful alchemist

This book holds the ultimate secrets that will lead you to uncover the mystical world of alchemy.

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