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Astral Projection for Beginners: The Astral Travel Guide to an Intentional Out-of-Body Experience (Spirituality)

Silvia Hill

Discover astral projection and change your life in the most remarkable way!Do you ever wonder if there’s more to life than what you can see with your own eyes?Have you heard of astral projection but assumed it was something only gurus and monks could do?Are you desperate to find out if the astral plane is real?Are you curious to learn more about “the other you"?This book will open the door to the astral plane for you to finally discover its treasures.Discover the truth about how many bodies you have.Get acquainted with your multidimensional self.Learn the difference between fact and fiction regarding the astral plane.Discover over twenty-five of the most potent methods to help you get out of your physical body.Learn how to use the astral plane as the ultimate cheat code to level up your life.Become a master of your mind by working with the most potent mindfulness techniques.Experience high-definition visuals on each of your astral trips.Recall and download all your astral experiences like a pro.Revel in the experience of being in two places at the same time.Master teleportation, astral flight, and lots more.Say goodbye to pain as you unlock the healing power of the astral plane.Learn the proper exit and re-entry strategy so you can travel like a boss.Make every hour of your life count by mastering this skill.With this book as your foundation, you can explore the astral world, peel back the veil shrouding alternate realms and states of consciousness, and discover the truth about your rich, multidimensional life.Get this book now and unlock the door to a world of magic, wonder, and quantum transformation.

Religion & Spirituality
Occult & Paranormal


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