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Astrology of the World II: Revolutions & History

Benjamin N. Dykes

Astrology of the World II: Revolutions & History is the second in a trilogy of translations in traditional mundane astrology, from Latin and Arabic astrologers. This volume focuses on astrological views of history, Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions, and interpreting mundane ingresses. After an extensive Introduction with numerous charts and tables to help the modern reader, Part 1 provides short summaries and principles from medieval authors. Part 2 includes three works by Masha'allah (one from Arabic) on ingresses and conjunctional theory, as well as a lengthy work attributed to Abu Ma'shar which includes chart examples from Sahl. Part 3 contains a new translation of Abu Ma'shar's Flowers, with some corrections to the medieval text based on Arabic manuscripts. Finally, Part 4 contains a complete translation, from Arabic, of the mundane book of al-Rijal's (Haly Abenragel's) Book of the Skilled in the Judgments of the Stars. In Appendices, Dr. Benjamin Dykes provides modern tables of mean Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions as well as Saturn-Mars conjunctions in Cancer, and translations (from Arabic) of several mundane chart examples from Sahl b. Bishr, with historical commentary. Throughout, Dr. Dykes provides helpful introductory comments and analysis to aid the modern reader in this complex subject. It is a must-have for traditional astrologers and historians of astrology.

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