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The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena

Dean Radin PhD

Recently profiled in the New York Times Magazine. Dean Radin is perhaps the most respected parapsychology authority in the country. An articulate, engaging communicator, Radin wields impeccable credentials, a healthy skepticism and a meticulous scientific method to put "psi" phenomona like telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and mind-over-matter abilities to the hard test of science. His unprecedented manifesto makes a startingly persuasive case for the truth of psychic phenomena -- and places us on the cusp of what may well be the next great paradigm shift. Uniting the latest in high-tech experiments, including irrefutable data from his own groundbreaking research, with teachings of mystics and theories of quantum physics, Radin explores myriad phenomena: from ESP to ghosts to psychokinesis. Radin reveals the remarkable extent to which psi is already tacitly acknowledged -- and exploited -- by Fortune 500 corporations and the U.S. government, then analyzes how the inevitable mass acceptance of the mind-matter link will affect social, economic, academic, health and spirtual issues. At once visionary and pragmatic, The Conscious Universe recalls the classics Godel, Escher, Bach and The Holographic Universe, yet transcends mere experiments to offer a bold new vision of the future.

Religion & Spirituality
Occult & Paranormal


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