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Kundalini: Unlocking the Secrets to Awakening Higher Consciousness, Balancing Your Chakras, Opening the Third Eye and Tapping into the Power of Shakti

Mari Silva

If you want to unleash your inner spiritual power, then keep reading…Two manuscripts in one book:Kundalini Awakening: An Essential Guide to Achieving Higher Consciousness, Opening the Third Eye, Balancing Your Chakras, and Understanding Spiritual EnlightenmentShakti: The Ultimate Guide to Tapping into the Divine Feminine Energy, Including Mantras and Tips for Harnessing the Power of this Goddess in YogaHave you ever wondered if there was more to life than just being born, living and working, and finally dying? Have you wondered if we are alone in this universe? Have you had strange and inexplicable experiences in your life you want answers to?Have you suddenly felt you have a higher calling but don‘t know what it is or from where it came? If yes, you have chosen wisely to come here. Part one of this book deals with Kundalini, the power of the serpent lying latent in all humans, waiting to be awakened. The power of an awakened Kundalini has to be experienced to be truly understood. This book helps you do just that. Part one of this book covers your most pressing questions:What is Kundalini Shakti, and what are its origins?What are the basics of this esoteric science?What is the meaning and significance of Kundalini Awakening?How is Kundalini connected to meditation, the power of energy centers, and Chakras?What is the relationship between Kundalini Awakening, psychic abilities, and the third eye chakra?How do I use mantras, asanas, pranayama, mantras, mudras, and kriyas to awaken the Kundalini.What are the benefits of awakening the Kundalini? Are the effects easy to handle? If not, what are the things to know before embarking on the journey? Who can help?What to do after the Kundalini is awakened?And many more...Are you a yoga practitioner who wants to learn more about the power of yoga? Are you interested in Kundalini Yoga but do not know where to begin? Are you a researcher who wants to know more about Eastern mysticism, cults, and practices of the Indian subcontinent? Do you want to harness the power of the divine mother goddess or Shakti? Do you want to learn more about how Shakti can transform your life forever? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place. Part two of this book will explain the various concepts related to Shakti and Kundalini in an efficient, simple, and lucid manner. It will surely help you understand the basics of Shakti in basic terms. In the course of this book, you will learn: What Shakti or the Divine Feminine Energy isThe relevance of Shakti in today's worldDifferent theoretical practices associated with ShaktiPractical practices associated with ShaktiShakti MantrasShakti TantraShakti YantrasThe Worship of Shakti in Buddhism, Hinduism, and TaoismThe Cult of Shakti in India and TibetKriyatmaka ShaktiThe Ten Manifestations of Tantric GoddessesAgamaYoginis and DakinisKundalini Shakti and its AwakeningDualism of ShaktiAnd a lot more!Get this book now by clicking the “add to cart” button and let the Divine power change your life forever.

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