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MUNDANE STELLAR ASTROLOGY: The ancient science of Hermes on the secret connections between the stars and their reflections on earthly beings and events (Italian Edition)

Simone Colombo

The techniques of mundane astrology inherited from tradition are not the most suitable for explaining and predicting events, as in reality they only capture the last links in the chain of celestial causes that underlie them. In fact, the primary causes of all events always and only reside in the Eighth Sphere, that is, in the sky of the constellations and fixed stars. In this book, the Stellar Astrology techniques are developed and applied to the real prediction of world events, but also to natal charts. Heaven and the stars that populate it are living beings. The various parts of the starry sky - constellations, parts of constellations (asterisms) and single stars - are not isolated, but communicate with each other, and therefore must be conceived as parts of a community, similarly to the relations between men who live on this earth. Indeed, our communities and our earthly bonds are nothing but the reflection and manifestation of these celestial bonds. And, just as happens between men and between specific groups of men, between some of these parts of the sky there are privileged relationships. This book explains which are the astronomical and astrological factors that highlight these ties of "kinship", thus also indicating the existence of similar relations existing between the things of the world linked to those stars. It is a real science, based on rigorous criteria, and in this book it is illustrated by providing the student with a general method that he can then apply to any person, thing or event he intends to study in depth. It will be seen how the identification of these stellar links is also essential for correctly interpreting a birth chart. Only in this way astrology becomes what it should always be, that is, the sapiential matter par excellence, as the only one capable of explaining and demonstrating the true nature and origin of earthly reality.

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