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Mysticism: Secrets of the Mystics, Occultism, Alchemy and Hermeticism

Mari Silva

Four manuscripts in one book:Mysticism: Unlocking the Path of the Mystic and Embracing Mystery and Intuition Through MeditationOccultism: The Ultimate Guide to the Occult, Including Magic, Divination, Astrology, Witchcraft, and AlchemyAlchemy: Unlocking Secrets of an Ancient Mystical ScienceHermeticism: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Hermetica, Kybalion, and Hermetic PrinciplesIn part one, you will:Learn about the remarkable journey of mysticism from ancient times until now.Discover your aura and what it says about you.See where each chakra is in your body and understand its importance.Discover how you can work with energy to heal, bless, and protect yourself.Enhance your psychic abilities with simple daily practices.Discover your powerful third eye and how to unlock it for faster manifestations and ultimate psychic power.Uncover the truth about the Laws of Attraction.Harness your sexual energy to make your wildest desires come true.Learn how to experience astral projection and grow your spiritual powers beyond anything you’ve ever seen.In part two, you will:Learn the history of the occult and discover the culprits responsible for all the lies and misinformation surrounding it.Discover the wonderful world of Wicca and how you can get started on this path right away.Find out if you’re a natural witch. Learn basic witchcraft terminology that you need to know.Understand what to expect from a coven.Get eye-opening information on the “tools of the craft” and how you can use them.Discover the amazing value in the Book of Shadows and Grimoires and how to start, keep, and take care of yours.Learn how to use the potent magic locked in crystals. Unearth the truth about waking your psychic powers. Learn how to craft your very own spells, just like an experienced Wiccan would.In part three, you will:Learn what alchemy is and the principles that govern itInvestigate the basics of modern alchemy and its focus on self-transformationDiscover the four alchemical elements, their symbols, and the roles they playExplore the seven alchemical metals and their corresponding planetsSee examples of herbal alchemy and the plants and herbs known to contain specific planetary metalsFind detailed and easy herbal alchemy recipesMaster the art of how to transform yourself into a modern and effective alchemistLearn how to be a powerful alchemistIn part four, you will:Learn what Hermeticism is, and its founderDiscover everything you need to know about Hermes TrismegistusExplore Kybalion and what it containsUncover the basics of the Hermetic philosophy and its historyUnderstand the meaning of AllFind a full chapter on each of the seven principles of HermeticismInvestigate how you can use the principles to transform your life for the betterGet this book now and discover a brand-new start in your mystical life.

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