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Soul Guide On Planet Earth (Existence - Consciousness - Bliss)

Ivan Antic

How we react when we are told that our essence is not this body, thoughts, and feelings, but that our being is eternal and infinite, that we are the expression of the divine, of what is called the Soul since the beginning of time?Our soul is an aware subject of the objective existence, individual emanation or monad of the Divine whole. Our Soul as a magnet, by its very existence, attracts the formation of the energy of nature in all life and existence.The essence of man's existence is to wake up here, during life, and become aware of his soul, which is the emanation of the Divine whole. Then the Divine whole becomes complete in man, it is manifested through it. Then God becomes man and man realizes God in this world, which thus becomes filled with the Divine presence.For many today, such claims seem like nebulous idealism. Such claims are contrary to everything that today's religions, science and liberal corporatism tell us through the mass media every day, is it not so?It is not in their interest for people to use their own intelligence, because when they start to use it, they become dangerous, dangerous for their power, for the wealthy; dangerous for every kind of oppression, exploitation and prohibitions.Who actually stands behind these conspiracies against soulful people, is described in detail in a book by David Icke, however, he could not (or maybe he did not want to) give a more precise meaning and a wider context of the conspiracy against the soul of the man.Ivan Antic, in his book "Soul Guide On Planet Earth" provides a precise systematization of the fragments of ancient mystic schools and esoteric soul-related teachings, and connects them with the discoveries of quantum physics in order to bring closer to the contemporary reader all the key questions of the soul in a comprehensible and scientific way.This work speaks of the true origin and purpose of the human soul, but also reveals the untruths that are being spoken by science and religion together about the soul. Science by implying that the soul is a cocktail of psyche and energy that is created and disappears along with the body, and religion through the mystification and the mythology, that the soul can be obtained, lost or captured.To all the admirers of the researchers of the phenomenon of life before birth and after the death of the body, such as Ian Stevenson, Jim Tucker, Helen Wambach, Michael Newton et al. this book will additionally provide a wider context and a deeper understanding of the purpose of the Soul and the incarnations here on Earth.In the book Soul Guide On Planet Earth, you will find answers to the oldest questions about the human soul that date since the beginning of time, like:What is Soul, how it arises, where it comes from, and how it manifests itself in this worldCan souls be categorized and what are the most common problems of the soul depending on its maturityHow is the soul always good and some people are evilWhat is the relation between soul and karma, soul and religion, and how today's science relates to the soulWhat is the work that needs to be done on oneself that results in the awakening of the soul in this worldThe books of Ivan Antic are not written to please the human mind, but to objectively speak directly to the human being, ie, Soul. That is why they remain there for a long time, so that they can provide guidance and support to the man once he is driven to start the greatest journey of all, the journey of self-awareness of his own soul, towards its return to the source, the divine absolute.

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