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Transpersonal Theory and the Astrological Mandala: An Evolutionary Model

Gerry Goddard

This magnum opus is a major landmark in integral theory that, combining a rare blend of analytical rigor and depth of synthesis, articulates a coherent theoretical framework for an innovative astrological-transpersonal paradigm. I am convinced that Gerry's visionary work will continue challenging and redefining transpersonal studies for decades to come". Jorge N. Ferrer, author of Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality The posthumously published Transpersonal Theory and the Astrological Mandala: an Evolutionary Model offers a transpersonal synthesis-an account of history, culture and consciousness mapped in terms of the deep dialectical logic of the astrological mandala. In this comprehensive work Goddard makes a substantial contribution toward establishing a firm theoretical foundation for astrology. His explication of astrology's foundational symbols in terms of the larger cultural conversation will help astrology take its rightful place in the new paradigm debates while his model, an interface of the transpersonal and the astrological, will stand as a confirmation of the concrete unity of cosmos, body, psyche and spirit beyond mere subjective constructivism.

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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:20 AM GMT