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Twin Flames & The Event: A Message for the 144,000 Lightworkers

Jen McCarty

Billions of books have been created in the world, and you were drawn to this book for a reason. Your higher self has brought you to this book, and this is because it contains codes that are specifically connected to you and your evolutionary journey towards spiritual mastery and eternal union with your Twin Flame. What is a Twin Flame? Does everyone have a Twin Flame? How do I meet my Twin Flame? Why are Twin Flames such a hot topic at the moment? And what do Twin Flames have to do with the Great Awakening that we are experiencing as a collective? These are some of the questions that will be answered in this book. “Every word written is so intimate. Is just so trustworthy and holy. This book is UNIQUELY FIRST CLASS. It just works.” - Christine B “Jen was not kidding when she said, “In this book, every word is specifically directed to support you to very swiftly align with the Spiritual master-avatar being that you truly are - the galactic, angelic, timeless, off-spring of eternal love.” - Jill Sutter

Religion & Spirituality
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