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Astrology of the World I: The Ptolemaic Inheritance

Benjamin N. Dykes

Astrology of the World I: The Ptolemaic Inheritance is the first in a series of three works of translations in traditional mundane astrology, from Latin and Arabic astrologers. Part 1 enumerates many methods of traditional weather prediction, including Lots and lunar mansions. Part 2 focuses on prices and commodities, predicting market fluctuations and supply and demand. Part 3 discusses the interpretation of eclipses and comets. Part 4 is an extensive look at chorography (assigning signs and planets to regions of the earth), including a complete discussion of climes and a guide to obscure place-names. Throughout, Dr. Benjamin Dykes provides commentary and extensive introductions to the astrology of Ptolemy, which is the basis of most of these techniques. It is a must-have for traditional astrologers and historians of astrology.

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