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Essence of Hindu Astrology

Prashant Shivanand Shah, Madanda G Machayya

This book provides a comprehensive study of the principles, philosophy and practice of Hindu astrology. The numerous rules, descriptions and anticipations of the ancient science have not merely been put out as a collection of facts. Instead, an attempt is made to show how they can be derived from metaphysical principles. Much chaff has been separated from the wheat. Wherever possible suggestions have been made on how to judge or rightly situate the facts. Many chapters have been devoted to philosophical considerations and they emphasize the need for the proper appreciation of the subject.This book does not address the skeptical reader and hence no case has been made out for astrology. Instead, light is thrown on the esoteric dimension of the subject. Here, astrology is useful in developing “intuitive awareness” - a non-instrumental perception of life. Thus astrology is to be studied, not merely because it has useful applications, but because it gives a deeper insight into the mysteries of inner life and also because it can lead one to the perception of the Greater Life behind the lesser contingent existence. The book marks a pleasant departure from the conventional approach to Hindu Astrology. It is not filled with authorative quotations from ancient writings, not does it speak of random predictions. Instead it attempts to show how the many characterizations of this ancient science can be derived from basic principles. Great care is taken to correctly characterise the planetary forces, the prototypes of the rising signs, and the functions of the various houses. Astrology here is not merely a useful and interesting tool. There is yet another prospect, a chance for the student to broaden his or her outlook and attain a direct perception of life.

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