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The Giza Death Star

Joseph P. Farrell

This is physicist Joseph Farrellis' amazing book on the secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Among the topics discussed in detail in this fantastic book are: An Archaeology of Mass Destruction, Thoth and Theories; The Machine Hypothesis; Pythagoras, Plato, Planck, and the Pyramid; The Weapon Hypothesis; Encoded Harmonics of the Planck Units in the Great Pyramid; The Grand Gallery and its Crystals: Gravito-acoustic Resonators; The Other Two Large Pyramds, the 'Causeways', and the 'Temples'. Also: A Phase Conjugate Howitzer Evidence of the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ancient Times; High Frequency Direct Current 'Impulse' Technology; How the Giza Death Star worked. This book takes off where Christopher Dunn's 'The Giza Power Plant' left off. It is a rollicking ride into the world of fantastic science and an even more fantastic past that is just beginning to be imagined!

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Astronomy & Space Science


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