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Maps of Power: The Astrocartography of the Great, the Beautiful and the Terrible (Dan Furst's Astrocartography)

Dan Furst

Astrocartographer Dan Furst's latest book, Maps of Power, is about people he never met, but almost every astrologer wishes he or she could have read for. It’s subtitled The Astrocartography of the Great, the Beautiful and the Terrible because it uses maps created by Astrocartography (ACG) to tell the stories of 28 famous political and military leaders, spiritual figures, writers, movie actors and directors, athletes, saints and workers of horrific misery in the world. It is this second book in Dan's Astrocartography series, he uses the lives of famous people to show how the planet lines on the ACG maps tell uncanny stories – how in gaining triumph and suffering defeat, they win their most brilliant goals and run in vain after bizarre illusions. The book shows: How Abraham Lincoln’s star rose irresistibly from Illinois, and why Washington, DC was as dangerous for him as Dallas, Texas was for John F. Kennedy. How Stalin had – and Vladimir Putin has now – a sixth sense about the places where he’d gain the upper hand over allies and enemies alike. How the two places that defeated Adolf Hitler were Russia and, of all places, Detroit, Michigan. And all the rest. Charlie Chaplin and Richard Pryor, Princess Diana and St. Teresa of Calcutta. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Martin Scorsese, Muhammad Ali and a dozen more, all of whom lived and flourished, fought and were tested in the fires of risk and danger that show clearly on their planet lines for power and wealth, trial and temptation, glory and mortality. Maps of Power is much more than a book about famous people, astrocartography and spiritual astrology. It’s a work of history and mythology too. It focuses on the deepest core questions of how these extraordinary lives could have chosen their sacred contracts – and followed them to love and glory, or to the darkest horrors. This book shows how astrocartography can be used to illuminate any life, however great or seemingly ordinary, and track the thread and aim of its soul mission. The first book in the series, Finding Your Best Places: Using Astrocartography to Navigate Your Life (2015), covers the basics of astrocartography and tells the stories of 23 of Dan’s clients, who have used astrocartography to find their best locations for living and working, and for building relationships with backers and markets, teachers and healers, creative colleagues and love partners. Most of the stories are about people who changed their lives for the better by moving to places that favored them for jobs and money, health and learning, creative and spiritual paths, community, family and love relationships, whatever goals mattered most to each one. Other stories are about those who have stayed where they love to be, but have gained new successes by building relationships with people in their “life line” zones.

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