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Maya Mythology: Myths and Folklore of the Mayan Civilization

Sebastian Berg

Discover the mythology of the Mayan civilizationThe Mayan people were natural storytellers, and their imagination knew no bounds. They took the traditional Mesoamerican versions of creation and the gods of the universe and molded them into their own, adding and shaping their unique version of mythology and folktales. This left us with a significant pantheon of gods and goddesses, each with a memorable and captivating story. The Mayans had an image of the universe and their place in it, and they told stories of gods and heroes that rival Greek Mythology.Inside this book you will discover!Gods and GoddessesThe Universe for the MayansMyths and FolktalesAnd much more!To learn about Maya Mythology just click "buy now!"



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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:39 AM GMT