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Walking the Medicine Wheel: Healing Ptsd

David Kopacz;Joseph Rael

Psychiatrist and holistic & integrative physician, David Kopacz, and Native American Visionary, Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow), create a healing path to help our veterans suffering trauma and PTSD to come home. Even when out of the war zone, combat-readiness persists in the veterans' nervous system. This book uses the circular pathway of the medicine wheel to re-train the nervous system.Rather than viewing trauma, obstacles and disappointments as negatives, the medicine wheel offers a way of transforming these events into opportunities for initiation. Walking the medicine wheel is walking a spiritual path - integrating body-emotion-mind-spirit, within the circle of the four directions. The book provides practical exercises of guided imagery and ceremony to help returning veterans feel they have a purpose and have something, not only of value, but, of critical importance to give to their families and their communities.

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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:35 AM GMT