Andrew D. Huberman

Attribution: Jamesbrianbounds, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Andrew D. Huberman


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Andrew David Huberman (born 1975)[3] is an American podcaster and neuroscientist. He is an associate professor of neurobiology at Stanford University School of Medicine and a partner of the sports and nutrition company Momentous, with which he offers branded dietary supplements.[4] He is best known for hosting the Huberman Lab podcast, which he started in 2021.

He received a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1998, an M.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2000, and a PhD in neuroscience from the University of California, Davis, in 2004.[5][6] He completed his postdoctoral training at Stanford, in 2010, working in the lab of Ben Barres.[7]

From 2011 to 2015, Huberman was an assistant professor of neurobiology and neuroscience at University of California, San Diego. In 2016, Huberman moved to Stanford University.

Wth David Spiegel, Huberman has carried out research on cortisol and anxiety-based depression.[6]

In 2021, Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast.[6] In episodes lasting several hours, Huberman talks about the state of research in a specific topic, both within and outside his specialty. By 2023, the podcast had become the 6th most popular podcast in the US on Spotify platforms, while his YouTube channel had 3.5 million subscribers and his Instagram account 4.2 million.[8][9][10]

In April 2022 Huberman entered into a partnership with Utah-based sport and nutrition company, Momentous. With them he offers a line of “Huberman Lab” branded dietary supplements.[4][11] He became Scientific Advisor for the supplements retailer Athletic Greens the same year.[12]

In Time magazine, Huberman was described as having a large and enthusiastic fan base,[8] but also as having been criticized by other scientists for prematurely applying the results of animal studies to human applications.[8]

Jonathan Jarry at the McGill Office for Science and Society has questioned Huberman's promotion of "poorly regulated" dietary supplements. According to Jarry, Huberman Lab has been sponsored by "companies offering questionable products from the perspective of science-based medicine".[13]

According to an article in Coda, Huberman has promoted anti-sunscreen views on his podcast, stating he's "as scared of sunscreen as I am of melanoma".[14] In a 2023 GQ article, Huberman is reported as having said he's not a "sunscreen truther", a term used to describe anti-sunscreen conspiracy theorists.[15]



Andrew D. Huberman has Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini.

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Sabian Symbols

Influenced by Indian Phad Painting

183°, Sun in Libra, Indian Phad Painting artwork
72°, Moon in Gemini, Indian Phad Painting artwork
204°, Mercury in Libra, Indian Phad Painting artwork
146°, Venus in Leo, Indian Phad Painting artwork
82°, Mars in Gemini, Indian Phad Painting artwork
21°, Jupiter in Aries, Indian Phad Painting artwork
120°, Saturn in Leo, Indian Phad Painting artwork
210°, Uranus in Scorpio, Indian Phad Painting artwork
249°, Neptune in Sagittarius, Indian Phad Painting artwork
188°, Pluto in Libra, Indian Phad Painting artwork
27°, Chiron in Aries, Indian Phad Painting artwork
234°, North Node in Scorpio, Indian Phad Painting artwork
North NodeScorpio
54°, South Node in Taurus, Indian Phad Painting artwork
South NodeTaurus
356°, Lilith in Pisces, Indian Phad Painting artwork
242°, Ascendant in Sagittarius, Indian Phad Painting artwork
166°, Midheaven in Virgo, Indian Phad Painting artwork


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Natal Data

Map at Lat 37.4418834, Lng -122.1430195

1975-09-26 Unknown Time LMT

37° 26′ 30.8″ N 122° 8′ 34.9″ W

Palo Alto, CA, USA


1x Records. Last Queried Sep 8, 2024 12:08 AM GMT