Marc Edmund Jones

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Marc Edmund Jones


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Dr. Marc Edmund Jones (October 1, 1888 – March 5, 1980) was a multifaceted American figure renowned for his contributions as a writer, screenwriter, and astrologer. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 1, 1888, at 8:37 a.m. CST, he displayed an early fascination with intricate patterns in his environment, laying the foundation for a distinctive system of thought that would later shape his perspectives on occultism and the cabalistic world-view.

Growing up in Chicago, he was exposed to a formal, late Victorian parental upbringing, and early influences included Christian Science neighbors and an aunt who introduced him to theosophy. In 1913, a deep-rooted interest in astrology was ignited, propelling him to explore occult principles and eventually embrace spiritualism.

Dr. Marc Jones emerged as a prominent figure in the world of astrology, earning the title of the dean of American astrology. His most significant contribution was in reformulating the study of astrology, where he developed the seven categories of horoscopic patterns, known as the Splay, Splash, Bundle, Bowl, Locomotive, Bucket, and Seesaw shapes or patterns. These categories offered a fresh approach to understanding planetary placements around the zodiac, revolutionizing astrological interpretation.

In collaboration with the clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler in 1925, Dr. Jones co-created the Sabian Symbols, which became one of his enduring legacies. The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic images or "oracle-like" interpretations, each associated with a specific degree of the zodiac found on the astronomical ecliptic. These symbols provided astrologers with a unique and poetic language to explore the profound significance of individual degrees in astrological charts.

Beyond his work in astrology, Dr. Jones enjoyed a successful career as a prolific writer of movie scenarios, contributing to the film industry for many years. He founded the Sabian Assembly in 1923, a special-studies group that remains active to this day, reflecting the enduring impact of his ideas and teachings.

His multifaceted journey also encompassed a significant turn when he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1934, and later earned a PhD from Columbia University. Dr. Jones was a passionate educator and lecturer, traveling extensively across the USA to share his knowledge and insights with others.

Dr. Marc Edmund Jones' most voluminous written work includes the Sabian lessons, an extensive body of work focusing on philosophy, the Bible, astrology, and cabalistic patterns, a testament to his lifelong dedication to these subjects.

On March 5, 1980, Dr. Jones passed away, leaving behind a lasting legacy. The Sabian Assembly, which he founded, continues to thrive, and many of his books remain in print, keeping his ideas and teachings alive for generations of astrologers and seekers of wisdom. His profound impact on the field of astrology and his enduring contributions to various disciplines continue to inspire and shape the exploration of human consciousness and universal symbolism.

source: chatgpt


Marc Edmund Jones has Sun in Libra 11th House, Moon in Leo 9th House, with Scorpio Rising.

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Sabian Symbols

Influenced by Vincent van Gogh

188°, Sun in Libra, Vincent van Gogh artwork
136°, Moon in Leo, Vincent van Gogh artwork
213°, Mercury in Scorpio, Vincent van Gogh artwork
210°, Venus in Scorpio, Vincent van Gogh artwork
254°, Mars in Sagittarius, Vincent van Gogh artwork
243°, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Vincent van Gogh artwork
137°, Saturn in Leo, Vincent van Gogh artwork
197°, Uranus in Libra, Vincent van Gogh artwork
62°, Neptune in Gemini, Vincent van Gogh artwork
65°, Pluto in Gemini, Vincent van Gogh artwork
106°, Chiron in Cancer, Vincent van Gogh artwork
116°, North Node in Cancer, Vincent van Gogh artwork
North NodeCancer
296°, South Node in Capricorn, Vincent van Gogh artwork
South NodeCapricorn
56°, Lilith in Taurus, Vincent van Gogh artwork
220°, Ascendant in Scorpio, Vincent van Gogh artwork
137°, Midheaven in Leo, Vincent van Gogh artwork


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Natal Data

Map at Lat 38.6270025, Lng -90.19940419999999

1888-10-01 14:37:00 GMT

38° 37′ 37.2″ N 90° 11′ 57.9″ W

St. Louis, MO, USA


1x Records. Last Queried Jul 28, 2024 12:28 AM GMT