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Arcturus Astrology: A Consciousness Accelerator for the Aquarian Age

Ashtara Ashtara

Written at the request of The Tibetan, Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, Arcturus Astrology is an illuminating autobiography. A compelling story and the third of a trilogy, the books emerged through the author's constantly repeated question asked of her spiritual guides, "What is the cosmic system that governs human evolutionary development when we have worked through the psychological issues depicted in our birth charts?"Taken up through the higher heavens to Arcturus by archangels Gabriel and Uriel, Ashtara was trained to view and experience an astrology system that operates as a galactic programming centre of Light. Her training, given by the Arcturians, took place at a board-room table. In simple words Ashtara describes her training. She makes practical sense of the realities experienced and, in so doing, reveals hidden truths that only a few rare individuals seek, find and communicate to others. Awakening the reader to realities beyond the third-dimensional plane, Ashtara demonstrates the value of turning the searchlight of one's consciousness inward, and of using every life event to expand consciousness. She experienced love from the highest levels penetrating the zodiac and planetary veils to refashion new worlds and was shown how Divine Love is the substance of cosmic Light.A unique love story, Arcturus Astrology goes beyond the 3D plane to that of higher dimensional realms. Beyond the psychological process of human development is a cosmic Light system based on Prime Creator's infinite love for all creation.  This system is a road map to higher consciousness and can open the door of your heart to the experience of Divine Love. It describes a new cosmology of consciousness where spiritual and scientific understanding converge. It also acts as a guide and stepping stone to galactic consciousness. To read Arcturus Astrology is to be part of the consciousness evolution.Our world is changing. Rapidly. An escalation in human consciousness is occurring and may not be pleasant for some. To physically advance, first we must psychologically and spiritually advance by opening our higher minds and our hearts to the presence of the Christ Light and to the experience of Divine love.We humans are transiting from one consciousness zone to another and the Arcturus Astrology system is available to aid our next stage of conscious evolution.

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