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The Luminous Journey of the Medicine Wheel: Celtic and Indigenous Perspectives

Dakota Earth Cloud Walker

The Sacred Wheel or Medicine Wheel is a powerful container for holding our soul in the most authentic and powerful way. Thousands of years ago the Medicine Wheel was used for healing, ritual, and ceremony. The

energies of the directions provided guidance, and structure to the cultures that used them as guides. Today, we can use this framework for living a life more aligned with our soul’s calling. It helps us to align ourselves, find balance, create lasting healing, and deepen our understanding of who we are and why are we here. In this book, Dakota introduces you to the basic concepts of this modern day spiritual tool .

The Medicine Wheel is a simple yet complex framework for organizing our lives in such a way it allows the freedom to live more into our sacred purpose, authentically and with deep connection.

Religion & Spirituality
New Age & Spirituality


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One Record. Last Queried Feb 5, 2025 12:22 AM GMT