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The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care

Emma Loewe, Emma Loewe

From two of mindbodygreen's top editors comes an essential companion for anyone seeking a deeper spiritual life.   Taking time to nourish yourself and connect to the rhythms of the Earth can feel like a tall order when your days are packed to the brim but this beautifully illustrated handbook can make it a whole lot easier. The Spirt Almanac provides readers with potent, accessible rituals they will  want to call on again and again throughout the year to feel more grounded, aligned with their purpose, and in touch with their own innate sense of knowing.   Readers will be invited to practice and personalize dozens of routines incorporating science-backed techniques like breathwork, meditation, and aromatherapy, as well as more esoteric offerings like astrology, crystals, and tarot. Along the way, they will learn the fascinating history of ritual and trace these ancient spiritual practices through the ages to modern day applications from several true masters—from reiki healers to psychologists to sound therapists—who live and breathe this work. Divided by the four seasons, this book features dozens of ideas for spirit and soul enriching rituals including:   · Honor the quiet of winter and the start of the year by setting new intentions with a seed planting ritual · Come spring, try a breathwork ritual to release blocks and move forward · Celebrate summer with a forest bathing ritual to clear your mind or a crystal ritual for an open, receptive heart · Wind down in fall with a self-soothing full moon ceremony to reflect on the year   The Spirit Almanac will infuse your life with more joy, gratitude, and a deeper connection to yourself and our Mother Earth.

Religion & Spirituality
New Age & Spirituality


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