The Nation of USA

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The Nation of USA


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The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America. It is a federation of 50 states, a federal capital district (Washington, D.C.), and 326 Indian reservations.[j] Outside the union of states, it asserts sovereignty over five major unincorporated island territories and various uninhabited islands.[k] The country has the world's third-largest land area,[d] second-largest exclusive economic zone, and third-largest population, exceeding 334 million.[l]

Paleo-Indians migrated across the Bering land bridge more than 12,000 years ago. British colonization led to the first settlement of the Thirteen Colonies in Virginia in 1607. Clashes with the British Crown over taxation and political representation sparked the American Revolution, with the Second Continental Congress formally declaring independence on July 4, 1776. Following its victory in the Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the country continued to expand across North America. As more states were admitted, sectional division over slavery led to the secession of the Confederate States of America, which fought the remaining states of the Union during the 1861–1865 American Civil War. With the Union's victory and preservation, slavery was abolished nationally. By 1890, the United States had established itself as a great power. After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the U.S. entered World War II. The aftermath of the war left the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the world's two superpowers and led to the Cold War, during which both countries engaged in a struggle for ideological dominance and international influence. Following the Soviet Union's collapse and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the U.S. emerged as the world's sole superpower.

The U.S. national government is a presidential constitutional republic and liberal democracy with three separate branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. It has a bicameral national legislature composed of the House of Representatives, a lower house based on population; and the Senate, an upper house based on equal representation for each state. Substantial autonomy is given to states and several territories, with a political culture that emphasizes liberty, equality under the law, individualism, and limited government.

One of the world's most developed countries, the United States has had the largest nominal GDP since about 1890 and accounted for 15% of the global economy in 2023.[m] It possesses by far the largest amount of wealth of any country and has the highest disposable household income per capita among OECD countries. The U.S. ranks among the world's highest in economic competitiveness, productivity, innovation, human rights, and higher education. Its hard power and cultural influence have a global reach. The U.S. is a founding member of the World Bank, IMF, Organization of American States, NATO, and World Health Organization, as well as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.



The Nation of USA has Sun in Cancer 7th House, Moon in Aquarius 3rd House, with Sagittarius Rising.

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Sabian Symbols

Influenced by Symbolism

103°, Sun in Cancer, Symbolism artwork
327°, Moon in Aquarius, Symbolism artwork
114°, Mercury in Cancer, Symbolism artwork
93°, Venus in Cancer, Symbolism artwork
81°, Mars in Gemini, Symbolism artwork
95°, Jupiter in Cancer, Symbolism artwork
194°, Saturn in Libra, Symbolism artwork
68°, Uranus in Gemini, Symbolism artwork
172°, Neptune in Virgo, Symbolism artwork
297°, Pluto in Capricorn, Symbolism artwork
37°, Chiron in Taurus, Symbolism artwork
127°, North Node in Leo, Symbolism artwork
North NodeLeo
307°, South Node in Aquarius, Symbolism artwork
South NodeAquarius
169°, Lilith in Virgo, Symbolism artwork
252°, Ascendant in Sagittarius, Symbolism artwork
181°, Midheaven in Libra, Symbolism artwork


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Natal Data

Map at Lat 39.9525839, Lng -75.1652215

1776-07-04 22:10:00 GMT

39° 57′ 9.3″ N 75° 9′ 54.8″ W

Philadelphia, PA, USA


1x Records. Last Queried Sep 8, 2024 12:21 AM GMT