Wilbur Wright

Attribution: Library of Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Wilbur Wright


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Wilbur Wright, born on April 16, 1867, was an American aviation pioneer and co-inventor of the world's first successful powered airplane, alongside his brother Orville Wright. Together, they embarked on a remarkable journey that revolutionized human flight.

Raised in Dayton, Ohio, Wilbur shared a deep passion for flight with his younger brother Orville. They nurtured their interest in mechanics and flight through self-education and hands-on experimentation. In 1896, the Wright brothers established a bicycle sales and repair shop, using their earnings to fund their aeronautical pursuits.

Driven by a determination to conquer the skies, Wilbur and Orville studied the principles of flight, delving into the works of contemporary aviation pioneers. They conducted extensive tests and experiments, seeking to unravel the secrets of controlled, powered flight.

Their tireless efforts culminated in a historic achievement on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Wilbur piloted the Wright Flyer, the world's first successful powered aircraft, covering a distance of 120 feet in 12 seconds. This groundbreaking flight heralded the dawn of modern aviation.

With their revolutionary invention, Wilbur and Orville sought to share their knowledge with the world. They secured patents for their aircraft designs and established the Wright Company to manufacture airplanes and train pilots.

Despite facing skepticism and challenges, Wilbur and Orville persevered, conducting public flights and demonstrations that captivated global audiences. Their pioneering spirit and dedication to innovation solidified their place in history as aviation trailblazers.

Tragically, Wilbur's life was cut short at the age of 45, when he succumbed to typhoid fever on May 30, 1912. However, his legacy endured through his profound impact on aviation. Wilbur's contributions to flight earned him accolades and recognition, including the Daniel Guggenheim Medal and the Medal of Honor from the Smithsonian Institution.

Wilbur Wright's vision, ingenuity, and commitment to the dream of human flight continue to inspire generations of aviators and aerospace enthusiasts. His enduring influence on the field of aviation and his pioneering achievements remain a testament to the boundless possibilities of human endeavor in the skies.

Source: chatgpt


Wilbur Wright has Sun in Aries, Moon in Virgo.

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Sabian Symbols

Influenced by Bauhaus

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177°, Moon in Virgo, Bauhaus artwork
0°, Mercury in Aries, Bauhaus artwork
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115°, Mars in Cancer, Bauhaus artwork
330°, Jupiter in Pisces, Bauhaus artwork
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94°, Uranus in Cancer, Bauhaus artwork
13°, Neptune in Aries, Bauhaus artwork
44°, Pluto in Taurus, Bauhaus artwork
0°, Chiron in Aries, Bauhaus artwork
171°, North Node in Virgo, Bauhaus artwork
North NodeVirgo
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South NodePisces
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Natal Data

Map at Lat 39.9247688, Lng -85.25191

1867-04-16 Unknown Time GMT

39° 55′ 29.2″ N 85° 15′ 6.9″ W

Millville, IN 47362, USA


1x Records. Last Queried Jul 27, 2024 12:08 AM GMT