Maxwell Azzarello

Attribution: AI-Generated Photo of Maxwell Azzarello

Maxwell Azzarello


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On April 19, 2024, at around 1:35 pm EDT, Maxwell Crosby Azzarello (April 11, 1987[1] – April 19, 2024), a 37-year-old man[2] immolated himself in Collect Pond Park in New York City, outside the courthouse where jurors were being chosen for the New York state criminal trial of former U.S. President Donald Trump.[2][3][4]


Azzarello was born in Los Angeles County, California.[5] He was a graduate of University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,[6] and in 2013, he worked as a Operations Director for Tom Suozzi during his run for Nassau County Executive.[7] Azzarello was arrested three times throughout much of August 2023, including when he allegedly threw a glass of wine at Bill Clinton's autograph displayed in the lobby of the Casa Monica Hotel and damaged it.[6]


Azzarello posted a 2,700-word manifesto to his Substack[8] before the incident, describing his intent to bring attention to a "totalitarian con" and writing that the U.S. government is "about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup."[9][10]

He traveled from his home in St. Augustine, Florida, to New York without his family's knowledge, days before the jury selection in the trial began.[11] The day prior to his self-immolation, Azzarello had protested with signs and gave an interview critical of the American government.

Just before setting himself on fire, he threw leaflets into the air.[2] Officers arrived within minutes and extinguished the blaze before he was loaded into an ambulance and taken to Weill Cornell Medical Center, where he died hours later.[2][12]

CNN live coverage

CNN news anchor Laura Coates was widely praised for keeping her composure during her live coverage of Maxwell Azzarello's self-immolation.[13][14] Coates was in the middle of a live interview with a jury selection expert when Azzarello self-immolated in the park nearby. She initially incorrectly stated that there was an active shooter before quickly correcting herself when she realized what was happening.[15] She then rapidly narrated the immolation live for two minutes as it happened.[13] The video of Coates's coverage went viral online, with many social media users and members of the press praising her coverage.[13][14] There was also some criticism of her initial statement that there was an active shooter, and former news anchor Keith Olbermann criticized CNN for providing "live coverage of a suicide attempt".[15]



There is no doubt about birthday of Maxwell Azzarello, there is a copy of Police warrant affidavit (, also adds up since the total solar eclipse of April 8th directly impacted him. Based on details about death of his mother, manner of his death, other unique details about his personality, as well as sabian symbols, we rectified his time of birth to around 7:15 PM. Therefore, degree of the moon and the axis should not be relied upon, but, we are very comfortable with this time. Gaia


Maxwell Azzarello has Sun in Aries 7th House, Moon in Virgo 12th House, with Libra Rising.

Rodden Rating

The accuracy of the natal data for this archive is rated as DD

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Sabian Symbols

Influenced by Pablo Picasso

21°, Sun in Aries, Pablo Picasso artwork
175°, Moon in Virgo, Pablo Picasso artwork
358°, Mercury in Pisces, Pablo Picasso artwork
347°, Venus in Pisces, Pablo Picasso artwork
64°, Mars in Gemini, Pablo Picasso artwork
9°, Jupiter in Aries, Pablo Picasso artwork
261°, Saturn in Sagittarius, Pablo Picasso artwork
266°, Uranus in Sagittarius, Pablo Picasso artwork
278°, Neptune in Capricorn, Pablo Picasso artwork
219°, Pluto in Scorpio, Pablo Picasso artwork
77°, Chiron in Gemini, Pablo Picasso artwork
11°, North Node in Aries, Pablo Picasso artwork
North NodeAries
191°, South Node in Libra, Pablo Picasso artwork
South NodeLibra
105°, Lilith in Cancer, Pablo Picasso artwork
194°, Ascendant in Libra, Pablo Picasso artwork
105°, Midheaven in Cancer, Pablo Picasso artwork


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Natal Data

Map at Lat 29.8921835, Lng -81.3139313

1987-04-11 19:15:00 LMT

29° 53′ 31.9″ N 81° 18′ 50.2″ W

St. Augustine, FL, USA


1x Records. Last Queried Sep 12, 2024 12:16 AM GMT