Vladimir Putin

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Vladimir Putin


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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin [c] (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who has been serving as the President of Russia since 2012. Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999:[d] as prime minister from 1999 to 2000 and from 2008 to 2012, and as president from 2000 to 2008.[e][7] He is the longest-serving Russian or Soviet leader since Joseph Stalin.

Putin worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel before resigning in 1991 to begin a political career in Saint Petersburg. In 1996, he moved to Moscow to join the administration of President Boris Yeltsin. He briefly served as the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and then as secretary of the Security Council of Russia before being appointed prime minister in August 1999. Following Yeltsin's resignation, Putin became acting president and, in less than four months, was elected to his first term as president. He was subsequently reelected in 2004. Due to constitutional limitations of two consecutive presidential terms, Putin served as prime minister again from 2008 to 2012 under Dmitry Medvedev. He returned to the presidency in 2012, following an election marked by allegations of fraud and protests, and was reelected in 2018. In April 2021, after a referendum, he signed into law constitutional amendments that included one allowing him to run for reelection twice more, potentially extending his presidency to 2036.[8][9]

During Putin's initial presidential tenure, the Russian economy grew on average by seven percent per year,[10] driven by economic reforms and a fivefold increase in the price of oil and gas.[11][12] Additionally, Putin led Russia in a conflict against Chechen separatists, reestablishing federal control over the region.[13][14] While serving as prime minister under Medvedev, he oversaw a military conflict with Georgia and enacted military and police reforms. In his third presidential term, Russia annexed Crimea and supported a war in eastern Ukraine through several military incursions, resulting in international sanctions and a financial crisis in Russia. He also ordered a military intervention in Syria to support his ally Bashar al-Assad during the Syrian civil war, ultimately securing permanent naval bases in the Eastern Mediterranean.[15][16][17] In his fourth presidential term, he launched a significant invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which prompted international condemnation and led to expanded sanctions. In September 2022, he announced a partial mobilization and forcibly annexed four Ukrainian oblasts into Russia. In March 2023, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin for war crimes[18] related to his alleged criminal responsibility for illegal child abductions during the war.[19] In June 2023, he survived the Wagner Group rebellion.

Under Putin's leadership, Russia has undergone democratic backsliding and a shift towards authoritarianism. His rule has been marked by endemic corruption and widespread human rights violations, including the imprisonment and suppression of political opponents, intimidation and censorship of independent media in Russia, and a lack of free and fair elections.[20][21][22] Putin's Russia has consistently received low scores on Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, The Economist Democracy Index, Freedom House's Freedom in the World index, and the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index. Putin is the longest-serving Russian president and the second-longest-serving European president, following Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin


Vladimir Putin has Sun in Libra 11th House, Moon in Gemini 8th House, with Scorpio Rising.

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Sabian Symbols

Influenced by Claude Monet

193°, Sun in Libra, Claude Monet artwork
62°, Moon in Gemini, Claude Monet artwork
203°, Mercury in Libra, Claude Monet artwork
221°, Venus in Scorpio, Claude Monet artwork
266°, Mars in Sagittarius, Claude Monet artwork
49°, Jupiter in Taurus, Claude Monet artwork
197°, Saturn in Libra, Claude Monet artwork
108°, Uranus in Cancer, Claude Monet artwork
201°, Neptune in Libra, Claude Monet artwork
142°, Pluto in Leo, Claude Monet artwork
278°, Chiron in Capricorn, Claude Monet artwork
318°, North Node in Aquarius, Claude Monet artwork
North NodeAquarius
138°, South Node in Leo, Claude Monet artwork
South NodeLeo
141°, Lilith in Leo, Claude Monet artwork
213°, Ascendant in Scorpio, Claude Monet artwork
141°, Midheaven in Leo, Claude Monet artwork


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Natal Data

Map at Lat 59.9310584, Lng 30.3609097

1952-10-07 09:30:00 LMT

59° 55′ 51.8″ N 30° 21′ 39.3″ E

St Petersburg, Russia


1x Records. Last Queried Oct 18, 2024 12:09 AM GMT