Photo Attribution: Cosmic Program
Buck Supermoon, July 2023
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Analysis for Buck Supermoon, July 2023
On July the 3rd, we have a striking rare Supermoon event in the sign of Capricorn. According to some Native American traditions, this is also called a "Buck Moon”, due to its occurrence in the month of July ( the time of year when male deer, known as bucks, start to grow their antlers). Supermoon events are rare as they involve the Moon coming closest to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as viewed from Earth. The technical name is a “perigee syzygy” or “full Moon around perigee”.
The ancients always considered full moons as periods associated with various beliefs and superstitions, including notions of danger. Aside from influencing human behaviour leading to heightened aggressions and lunacy, ancients considered full moons as omens of natural disasters and supernatural phenomena.
Full moons involve themes associated with culminations, endings, and letting go. In Capricorn, full moons involve illuminations and culminations around the axis of work life vs. home life or father archetype vs. mother archetype. In our birth chart, the Capricorn/Cancer axis will be highlighted around this full moon and activities relevant to the themes of this axis and the themes of the house they occupy come to the forefront. Those who have dominant planets/points in Capricorn/Cancer axis feel this rare Supermoon the most.
Given that moon has a favourable aspect with Jupiter, and sun has a favourable aspect with Capricorn’s ruler Saturn, this full moon, overall, seems to be, not a difficult one. Mars and Venus in Leo make a hard aspect with Uranus in Taurus and this could indicate over the top emotions, volatility, and drama in the areas represented by Taurus and Leo in our chart. Markets may be volatile and I expect to see many over the top parties and extravagant behaviour this weekend by many. Charts dominated by the fixed signs will feel the volatility and intensity of this full moon more than others. My advice is opting for moderation for all the fixed signs.
Numerology of this full moon is an important one, given both sun and moon come to oppose one another on the 11th degree of the signs. Perhaps, 11:11 gateway to higher Consciousness is at play this weekend. Sabian symbol associated with this (Symbol 282) reads: "A student of nature lecturing”. During this Supermoon, what area of your psyche is our sun illuminating in which you are now, informed and wise enough to lecture, yet, young at heart enough to have the eagerness, curiosity, and innocence of a student when you do so? Ponder on that.
By: Gaia from Cosmic Program
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2023-07-03 11:38:00 LMT
0° 0′ 0.0″ S 0° 0′ 0.0″ W
No Location